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Ron Tabaczynski Retires from BOMA/Chicago

Congratulations to Ron Tabaczynski, who is retiring after serving 14 years as Government Affairs Director. His last day with us will be on June 30.

Ron by the Stats…

During his Tenure (7/1/2008-6/30/2022) at BOMA/Chicago he worked through:

•            3 Mayors

•            4 Governors

•            5 Building Commissioners

•            5 OEMC Directors

•            8 BOMA/Chicago Presidents

•            92,604 Bills in the State Legislature

Last week, Ron sat in his last BOMA/Chicago Security and Emergency Preparedness Committee meeting as Staff Liaison. He was honored for 14 years with the committee and for “keeping bad things from happening”.

Thank you, Ron, for your leadership! Best of luck in this next chapter. 

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